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Mobile Massage treatment to your Home & Hotel in Central London
Massage Treatment in Moorgate​
Thai massage, Swedish, Deep Tissue massage, Lomi-Lomi, Holistic massage treatment,
Head massage, Hand reflexology, Mindfulness Massage Moorgate
​Thai Yoga Massage can be classified as a system of peripheral stimulation.
Thai massage has specific effects on the muscles and structure of the body. The primary therapeutic effects are accomplished with pressing and stretching techniques. Tense muscles become
shorter. The ability of a muscle to produce movement at a joint is determined by the difference between the muscle’s length when it is relaxed compared to when it is contracted.
When muscles shorten and become persistently tense, they become hardened and oxygen depleted. Additionally, from an energetic perspective, a tense muscle further inhibits the smooth flow of bioenergy through the energetic pathways.
This results in reduced flexibility, increased spasms and sensations of pain and stiffness.
Muscle shortening impacts the surrounding fascia. As the muscle tissue shortens, the fascia also shortens and loses elasticity. This contributes to increased tissue fibrosis and diminished flexibility. A further dynamic that occurs in the musculature is a weakening of the antagonistic muscles and the loss of tone due to the persistent contraction of the paired muscles.
This weakening eventually contributes to postural imbalance.
These interrelated phenomena ultimately result in decreased flexibility, increased susceptibility to injury, and pain and stiffness. Additionally, the blockage of bioenergy can actually contribute to a lessened physiologic functionality of the internal organs and blood stagnation that lead to disease and aging.
The deep presses in Thai massage literally squash the muscles, stretching the myofascial tissues laterally. This pressing action helps to break down fibrotic tissues and stimulate the production of more elastic fibers. The blood flow through the entire affected musculature is enhanced. This brings increased nutrients and oxygen into the area and helps to flush out toxins, carbon dioxide, and other metabolic byproducts.
Thai massage good for:
1. Circulation system: Improves blood circulation, lowers heart rate, increases the temperature in the area being
massaged, increases lymphatic circulation, reduces edema
2.Musculoskeletal system: Improves muscle strength and effectiveness, relieves muscle tension, removes toxins from
muscle mass, relaxes the tendons and enhances elasticity, increases joint mobility and flexibility, and reduces stiffness.
3. Nervous system: Stimulates and improves activity of the nerves and sensations with the effects of reducing pain ,
enhancing sensation to the skin, and improving the function of the internal organs such as stomach, intestines
4. Respiratory system: Improves depth of breathing and relaxation .
5. Digestive system: Increases elasticity of digestive tract and stomach movement, prevents and relieves indigestion.
Swedish Massage it's the most common and best-known type of massage technique.
If it's your first time, Swedish body massage is perfect to experience. It is a gentle, rhythmic massage that is very good to relax soft body tissue and facilitate healing. Swedish massage is lighter in touch than other forms of massage techniques and includes long flowing strokes, kneading, and friction techniques on more superficial layers of the muscles. It can loosen stiff joints, reduce muscle tension, and help clear nasal or chest congestion. Also, Swedish massage style and experience depend on what style the client prefer or he wants to achieve.
Deep Tissue Massage is a massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue.
It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the fiber of the muscles, tendons, and fascia.
Deep tissue massage is used to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and more direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles not with the grain. Deep tissue massage helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or right after the massage. However, if the massage is done correctly you should feel better than ever within a day or two.
Lomi - Lomi is one of the most profound forms of massage.
The word Lomi Lomi simply means massage. It is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaii. It works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be. This flowing with total energy, using the long continuous, flowing strokes, combined with the very loving touch, relaxes the entire being, assisting in a letting go of old beliefs, patterns and behaviors that cause limitations and which are stored in the cells of our body.
Thus Lomi Lomi is not just a physical experience; it also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well.
Holistic Massage treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.
Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery
Head Massage is based on an ancient Ayurvedic healing system, practiced all over India for thousands of years. It works physically and emotionally, focusing on the upper back, shoulders, head, neck and face. These areas are prone to tension often caused by sitting in one position and working long hours. Treatment is relaxing, stimulating and invigorating, leaving you feeling energized.
The physical benefits are obtained immediately with the relaxation of the muscles and easing of tension.
Improved circulation of blood in previously congested muscles, providing extra oxygen for the brain.
Stimulation and improvement of the circulation of the lymphatic system.
Relief from stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
Promotion of hair growth.
Excellent for disturbed sleep and insomnia, help with mental tiredness and edginess, help in the relief of eyestrain and tension headaches.
Improved concentration, relief from mental and emotional stress.
A sense of calmness, peace and tranquillity, the release of anxiety and relief from depression
High levels of concentration and clearer thinking, the release of stagnant energy, Chakra balancing and energetic healing.
Hand reflexology is one form of effective natural therapy which is most popular for being a simple, pure, effective and easy form of massage therapy.
In reflexology the thumb, and fingers are used to press areas of the feet or hands thought to be connected to organs, glands and other parts of the body. Every single part of the human body is connected through the nerves through feet, hands.
Hand reflexology is a natural form of alternative therapy or massage therapy that targets the key body zones of your body right from the palm of your hands.
Benefits of hand reflexology in reducing headaches, back pain and shoulder pain.
Stimulating the hand meridian, the palm represents your body torso,the fingers represents various organs from the neck up which includes the glands, skull, brain, ears, facial skin, hearing and sight.
The whole purpose of reflexology is to provide the body with an extra push in the direction of healing, to allow the body to achieve homeostasis and better health.
Mindfulness massage
New massage in London for everybody, massage with tibetan singing bowls.
This is a powerful treatment, this healing effect may help improve many disorders, stress and tension from mind and body through this powerful treatment combining guided meditation, massage and tibetan singing bowls.
Tibetan singing bowls by combining it with massage reduces the effects of stress, lifts the spirit, reduces pain and calms the nervous, respiratory, circulatory, muscular, immune and endocrine systems.
By combining it with massage, you enable to let go your negative thoughts and feelings and you will discover new meditation skills, which help to your daily life.
Interactive yet relaxing, it eases and transforms, tense muscles, releases worry, stress and tension from mind and body.
The vibrations of a singing bowl can produce beneficial changes in the body by reducing stress, harmonizing the cells, and balancing the body's energy system. Tibetan singing bowls can stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves and the chakra systems.
The Benefits:
Reduced muscle, joint, neck and head pain and tension
Improved relaxation sleep and calming
Reduction of anxiety, mood and hormonal swings
Greater vitality, improved digestion
Quicker recovery when training and from injury
Reduce stress and anxiety significantly.
Improve circulation and increases blood flow.
Deep relaxation and pain relief.
Chakra balancing.
Increase mental and emotional clarity.
Promote stillness, happiness and well being.
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